Directory of Ministries and Organizations

The role of the Altar Server is to assist the Priest at the celebration of Holy Mass by carrying the cross in the entrance procession, assisting with holy water and incense, as well as preparing the altar at the Presentation of Gifts. This ministry i...

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Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the largest organizations of Catholic women in the world, dedicated to strengthening their spiritual life through Christ and His Church. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas was founded in 1903 by the Kn...

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We gather throughout the year at various intervals to learn more about our Catholic faith and to discuss its effect in our daily lives. These classes are generally scheduled during Lent and Advent as announced in our parish bulletin. All are welcome ...

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“Works of love directed to one's neighbor are the most perfect external manifestation of the interior grace of the Spirit”….Pope Francis, Joy of the Gospel #37 The Divine Mercy Society offers assistance to those in our commu...

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Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and bringing the Eucharist to the sick and shut-in members of our Parish. These Eucharist Ministers are designated by the Pastor to represent the Parish...

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God’s word is the heart of our faith. At our weekly gathering of the Eucharist, the Word is proclaimed and we are invited to reflect upon its effects in our lives. Lectors are lay persons who serve during Holy Mass by proclaiming Sacred Scriptu...

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The Thrift Shop has a two-fold purpose: to offer affordable clothing and household goods for the people of our area on limited income and to help the Church with the weekly School subsidy payments. The Shop normally has a good supply of useable, affo...

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Music Ministry If interested, or for more information, contact Michael Seroka, at St. Joseph or Jeana DePuy at Immaculate Conception by calling the Parish office at 570-325-3731.

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Details to come...
The Parish picnic is held every September to encourage Community fellowship.  We always welcome new members to the committee.  Watch the bulletin for planning meetings.

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The Pro-Life Group takes an active role in Right to Life issues through prayer, community service and social action. This group provides information in the vestibule of the church, prays the Rosary every Saturday morning at 9 o’clock in Ch...

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Parishioners who meet every Saturday morning and Sunday in the Church to pray the Rosary for peace in the world and an end to abortion.
Sacristans are adults and high school teens who are trained to prepare the Sanctuary and Altar for the Celebration of the Eucharist. Sacristans are knowledgeable about the contents of the Sacristy (sacred vessels, vestments, incense, Eucharistic elem...

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Our friendly and welcoming ushers assist parishioners and visitors both with information and accommodations for special needs. They gather the offerings of the people and present that along with the bread and wine used for the Eucharistic Sacrifice. ...

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The Women's Club at Immaculate Conception is open to all registered members.  We hold several fundraising events throughtout the year to support the parish and its youth in paritcular; including a Basket Raffle every December and a Spring Ba...

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