R.C.I.A. – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

R.C.I.A. is available to anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith, either non-baptized, baptized in a different faith tradition, or baptized Catholic with no further faith formation.  If you are interested in full participation in the Catholic life, please contact the parish office at 570-325-3731 and inquire about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The process of RCIA is one of exploration, enlightenment, purification, baptism, confirmation, communion and lifelong learning.

How Does A Person Become Catholic?

The Catholic Church warmly welcomes new members and tries to provide appropriate spiritual formation according to each person’s needs.  In general, people who are becoming Catholic fall into the following categories of spiritual needs:

  1. Children age seven and older and adults who have never been baptized and who have had little or no affiliation with or religious training in the Christian faith.
  2. Those who have never been baptized but, nevertheless, have lived their faith and worshipped regularly with a Christian community.
  3. Baptized people (even baptized Catholic), who have not received religious training.
  4. Baptized people who have been active members in other Christian denominations

Is R.C.IA. for already-active Christians?

Baptized Christians of another denomination who attempt to live in a way congruent with the teachings of Christ and who pray and have actively participated in the worship and life of a Christian community, need not participate in the full R.C.I.A. process, but do benefit from parts of the process.  They may need a clearer understanding of Catholic beliefs, the experience of participating in the Catholic Church’s liturgical life over an appropriate period of time, and increased familiarity with the Catholic community before making a lasting commitment to the Catholic Church.  When the time is right, such people may be received into the Catholic Church at any time of the year. 

The unbaptized and the baptized who have not received formation in the practice of the faith usually do participate in the full R.C.I.A. process.

What is the Catechumenate?

For those who participate in the full process, it begins with a period of inquiry, a time of reflection on one’s own life in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  During this period the inquirer also asks questions about the Catholic Church and prayerfully discerns whether or not God is calling him/her to join the Catholic Church as the specific denomination within which to live his/her faith.  If the person decides to pursue the process of becoming Catholic, he or she enters the catechumenate at the next convenient opportunity.  Unbaptized persons in the catechumenate are called catechumens.  Baptized persons in the catechumenate are called candidates.  The purpose of the catechumenate is to provide a structure for the proclamation of the gospel; catechesis (the passing on of the teachings of the church); public and private prayer, spiritual direction, the observance of feasts, fasts, Sundays and seasons of the church calendar, direct contact with members of the parish community and participation in the work of the church for justice and peace.  Normally, catechumens conclude the catechumenate and celebrate Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at Easter.  After the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist), the individual’s formal process of spiritual formation in the R.C.I.A. continues for a period of time to help the new Catholic become fully incorporated into the life of the Catholic Christian community.


Adapted from “How Does A Person Become a Catholic”, Liturgy Training Publications.